Good Day

What Makes Switzerland Tick

Every country has its own customs. In Switzerland there are several unwritten rules which should be observed.

Different Cultures

Switzerland is a culturally diverse country due in particular to the four language regions. It is not surprising that regional mentalities vary. The customs of German-speaking Switzerland need not apply to French-speaking Switzerland. Differences between urban and rural regions may also be vast.  And yet, some commonalities do apply.


A Swiss greeting involves shaking hands and eye-contact. This also applies to greetings between men and women. The common greeting is "grüezi" (friends use different greetings, such as "hallo" or "hoi"). In rural regions it is common to greet passersby even when one doesn't know them. Saying "thank-you" and "please" is very important: For example, saying "thank-you" and "please" multiple times in shops or restaurants is almost a ritual.


The famous Swiss punctuality is not just a cliché. If one is late one should telephone. In the professional world punctuality is particularly important. In general, one should be on time for appointments (such as administrative appointments, doctor’s appointments or appointments with informational or counselling services).


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